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Hello, and thanks for dropping by. This site is about my personal world. It includes my writing, opinions, beliefs, and hopefully somewhere down the line, some of my interests. The goal is to show you completely my perspective on the world. Not an easy thing to do, because we all have our very own perspective, and that gets in the way of understanding someone else’s. You know how they say no two people see you in the same way. You are a completely different reality to everyone you meet. Everyone judges you on their criteria.

Perspective is something we share in the New World. They’re very useful to bounce off your own judgment and can better define it. A comparison, so to speak. You’ll learn about the New World if you read my fiction.

I’ve always been interested in perspective. I think it’s the closest thing to the soul. It’s what makes up me in the abstract world of thought. In my opinion, if the soul exists, that’s where you’ll find it. How else would you explain the soul? It’s part of you. It’s different from all others. What makes it anything greater than a speck of dust in the vastness of the universe unless it contains your thoughts and ideas; your identity?

No other living soul sees the world through your eyes and the world is a lot bigger than the universe. The universe is the universe. The world is the universe, plus whatever else there is. The abstract world of thoughts and ideas does not exist in the universe. It appears to be a product of it, but it doesn’t exist in it. It and individual thoughts and ideas live somewhere else.

That’s why we share perspectives in the New World. So little is known about them. Each of us is our own world of thoughts and ideas, and we don’t seem to know much about it. Certainly not as much as we know about the universe. Our soul is nowhere as real as the universe...at this time.

A perspective can be very provocative as it will always challenge your own beliefs. That’s why we share them in the New World. So we all can measure someone else’s, against our own. Whenever we come across a perspective we will either gain or lose something from the exchange, but our identity will always come out stronger; better defined. The deeper you go into a perspective, the more provocative it becomes. Have at it.